Sunday, March 02, 2008

4 Hour Work Week - Quick Post

OK, this really intrigues me... and I know this book is really lighting up the blog-o-sphere... so here are my two cents (from a 1/2 read through in the bookstore - more for my own notes than anything else. I still don't know if I like it or just think he's really really arrogant).

But anyway, so the crux of the entire book is on the word DEAL (or DELA) if you are like some people (me) and work for someone else for a living. This is an acrostic for:
  • Define - What is the heck is all the stuff you are doing?
  • Eliminate - What are the core things that you really really have to do? Use the Pareto principle (80/20 rule) to concentrate on your maximum value adding activities. "Outsource" the rest.
  • Automate - Automate your income... I didn't really get a chance to digest this part
  • Liberate - Liberate yourself from the 9-5.
He then goes on to explain tips such as only checking your email once a week, never reading or watching the news, and "begging for forgiveness rather than asking for permission".

Hrm... I will hold judgment until I can take a deeper look at the book and think about it further... but I guess this is it for tonight.
