Friday, December 15, 2006

Good Search

OK this post isn't exactly about leadership... but one thing Young Leaders must realize is that leadership takes practice. And one place where people are just dying to give Young Leaders this badly needed practice and experience is in the realm of community service! I was involved with the Penn State Dance Marathon (THON - The world's largest student run philanthropy, raising over $4 million to conquer childhood cancer in 2005.) as a technology captain, and got a unique perspective at the corporate-like organization of THON as well as seeing many examples of "Young Leaders gone bad".

OK, but the point of this post was about Good Search. Good Search is a search engine, powered by Yahoo! with a twist. 50% of all of their ad revenue goes to the charity of choice of their searchers (I have mine as THON). So check it out and get involved, and as always keep reading!!


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