So "What is the secret???" Well.... first of all don't believe the hype. There is no "secret". Essentially, the main idea behind this DVD (and accompanying book, audiobook, and etc...) is "The Law of Attraction" or "thoughts become things". Throw in a whole bunch of New Age magic:
- Desire - Wish for what you want hard enough
- Deliver - The universe will provide
- Align - Align yourself with the universe and all your wishes come true.
What this DVD does is bring together is a bunch of sound bites, a lot of hype, but then... for the discerning viewer a few gems of truth. Here's a few that I found.
- Understand and respect the power of the mind. This reminds me a lot of the Tony Robbins that I have been listening to. The first part "desire" (or whatever they call it) is simple and universal. You need to know what you want before you can get it. And furthermore, if you concentrate on the things you don't want, you'll probably get those too (kind of a "keep your eyes on the road, not on the wall" type of deal).
- (Related to the above). Visualize reaching your goal and live your goal - before you reach it. This brings to mind anecdotes of patients who had "terminal cancer" and were able to cure themselves with the power of visualization and the strength of their own mind. But this about this on a day-to-day life basis. What do they always tell you at your job? No, not "No Internet for personal use", but "To get promoted to a higher position, you need to start taking on the responsibilities of that position.
- Be thankful and show gratitude for everything good in your life. This is another important concept. You will be much happier if you are thankful for what you have. Also, I believe you can't grow beyond your current situation until you appreciate where you are now, as the foundation for where you want to go or become.
- You need to align yourself properly in order to receive the "gifts from the Universe". OK, let me explain this one. They mostly glossed over it, and I think that is a shame. But think about it. Suppose you want something. Suppose you want to become a better leader. You know deep down in yourself and you are constantly thinking about it, but you don't "align yourself with the Universe". Nothing happens. However, if you were "aligned correctly with the Universe" you would realize that there is a world of teachers, books, and experiences out there for you to learn from. Then you would be able to make use of those opportunities and make progress towards your goal.
Anyway, so if you've watched this DVD or the other associated profit making stuff. Let me know what you think about it in the comments. Thanks!
Until next time,