Monday, September 24, 2007

Lessons in Public Speaking from Rachel Ray

OK, so I was reading this CRM (Customer Relationship Management) trade magazine and I read an article about "Sales Tips from Rachel Ray".

If you don't know who Rachel Ray is... just turn on Food Network and she's like everywhere.

Anyway, this got me to thinking about leadership, part of which at least is sales. After all you need to sell people on your vision in order to get their buy-in. So lets get to the chase, some tips from Rachel Ray and my interpretations.
  • Prep in advance – If you are not prepared for your presentation, you'll end up looking sloppy. Review your notes, make sure all props are ready before you go in.
  • Cut things into small pieces – They cook faster… and people will be able to understand them more easily. Thats why I try to break down the concepts in my articles to help all of you understand more quickly.
  • Time is money – People have short attention spans. So again, prepare in advance. Don't waste time on stage fiddling with your Powerpoint or the projector. The audience will get bored and not pay attention.
  • “Learn One and Get Some” – This is one of Rachel Ray's signature phrases. Essentially it means become solid in one thing… and adapt it to your numerous customers
  • Clean as You Go – Don’t neglect these other details, because they can bite you in the end, and being sloppy and taking shortcuts will only end up in you making some mistake down the road.
  • Be Human – nobody is perfect. Little mistakes are part of life. Learn to take them in stride. After all, what’s worse making a simple mistake that nobody notices or making a mistake and then making a huge scene about it by repeatedly apologizing, feeling embarrassed and then stumbling through the rest of your presentation.
Sounds pretty good right? Anyway, I'm in a writing mood, so look out for more articles soon!


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