Monday, September 24, 2007

Building Teamwork

One last quick post on making Teamwork work. (#7 Principles)
  1. The team must have a leader - Yes this sound very Zen and all, but seriously without a leader all you'll have is chaos.
  2. The must have unanimous focus on a quantifiable goal - So this is two things. Both are addressed in SMART Goals.
  3. The team must have clearly defined roles - Without clearly assigned roles, people won't know what to do.
  4. The team must be willing to share resources - OK, so this goes on that poster about "All I Ever Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten", but seriously if you've ever seen a team where members won't share... you know that it's a recipe for disaster.
  5. The team must have frequent, effective communication - Without this what's the point of having a team... you might as well be working alone. Synergize!
  6. The team must have consistent, united, and enthusiastic effort - Same thing. When everyone puts in... 1 + 1 can equal 3 or more!
  7. Team members must periodically suppress their own egos - Think for the better of the team... for the better for just yourself.
Alright that's it for today. I promise to write on a more consistent basis. Until next time...


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